Year 9 Hard Materials Technology

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Hayes.

Year 9 Hard Materials Technology (Hard Tech) is a course designed to give student a chance to learn and practice skills used in traditional woodworking, with a focus on traditional wood joinery. Students are encouraged to take this course even if they have no prior experience in woodworking. Throughout the two terms, students will be taught how to use a variety of hand tools and some select power tools safely and responsibly, including how to care for them. Students are encouraged to practice Manaakitanga, by trying hard, learning form mistakes, and persevering, all the while respecting the tools, materials, and their and others' work.


There are no prerequisites for Year 9 Hard Materials Technology.


Taking Year 9 Hard Materials Technology will give a student the chance to develop skills that could lead to a career in the building trades, or that may simply enrich the student's life experience.