
Level 3 Māori and Pasifika Voices

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr T. Tiria.

Level 3 Mãori and Pasifika Voices builds on the skills you learned in Level 2 English by learning to be critical of the Mãori and Pasifika stories and the perspectives about Mãori and Pasifika people they portray to audiences. You will learn specific cultural lenses to argue about the texts we study and the texts you will investigate independently. You can also create your own stories or understandings about texts through creative writing, essay writing, static or moving images or an oral presentation. Students who did literacy-rich subjects will be prioritised for this course.

This is a UE-approved course and serves as an alternative to ENG300 Level 3 English. If you have chosen ENG300, you should not enroll in MPV300, as both courses offer the same Achievement Standards, except for the external examinations.


Students must have earned 10 credits from Achievement Standards in MPV200, ENG200, or any Social Sciences course—such as SSG200, SSH200, MDS200, or PSY200—to meet the literacy requirements for this course.