
Level 3 Gateway

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms T. Siencyn.

Gateway offers you structured workplace learning across various industries and businesses while you continue your school studies. This programme provides hands-on, practical experience, enhancing your employability skills and facilitating a smooth transition from school to work.

You can earn 22 Level 3 credits from both generic unit standards and standards specific to your chosen industry. You will attend a work placement one day a week for at least 10 weeks, with travel costs and safety gear provided. Gateway is ideal for reliable, responsible students who:

a) are looking to move into the world of work at the end of their school career, OR

b) want to explore specific career industries and pathways before moving on to further study.

Gateway experiences equip students with essential entry-level skills for the workplace, making them well-prepared for part-time work while pursuing tertiary studies.

Entry into Gateway requires an application form submitted in Term 3, followed by an interview before the year's end. Your attendance record and attitude towards learning will be considered. Please note, that you must go through the interview process with Ms Siencyn as part of your application for the course. Choosing this option for Course Selection DOES NOT guarantee your place in the programme.

For more information, see Ms Siencyn at the Careers office or email her at [email protected].