Naenae College Naenae College

Level 1 Visual Art

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr T. Ferguson.


Year 10 Art is highly recommended, however there is no prerequisites for this course.

This course offers the opportunity for students to explore their identity through a Matauranga Maori lens - 'Ko Wai Au?' Students will make connections to their identity through the concepts of pepeha, whakapapa (genealogy), turangawaewae (Where we are from), kaitiakitanga (Guardianship) and taonga (precious gifts/items/family heirlooms) in their whānau and how they contribute to telling their story. If students choose this course they can not do DEP100, as they are assessed against the same standards. 

Learning Areas:



Level 2 Art Painting, Level 3 Art Painting