Naenae College Naenae College

Level 2 Pathways to Employment

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms T. Siencyn.

Pathways to Employment helps you build essential workplace skills while earning credits at NCEA Level 2 or Level 3 through various employability unit standards. The programme includes STAR courses from external providers to explore career options and tertiary education. STAR courses are short courses at polytechnics or private training providers specifically designed for secondary school students. Courses give students an introduction to training for a particular trade or skill. They range in length from a single day, several days in a row or one day a week for up to two terms.

Students may also gain work experience through placements, depending on their academic performance, attendance, and interest in a particular trade. You'll receive support in creating a career plan and academic pathway to achieve NCEA Level 2 and/or Level 3.

Upon completion, you'll have documented evidence of your employability skills, demonstrating your readiness for the workforce or further training.

The programme will be tailored to align with your goals, especially if you plan to enter the workforce after Year 12 or 13. It’s ideal for students who want to keep their options open or are unsure about their tertiary pathways.

Learning Areas:

Careers & Transition