Naenae College Naenae College

Level 3 Trades Academy Earth Care and Restoration

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms T. Siencyn.

Papa Taiao - L3 Earth Care and Restoration. (1 day per week) 

28 credits. 

Suitable for L3

A student who successfully completes this course will be able to:

● Demonstrate skills in pest control using a number of different traps

● Demonstrate skills in restoration in freshwater, forest and/or ocean environments.

● Demonstrate skills in sustainability such as effective storytelling to inspire and educate for


● Work on an urban farm growing food using sustainable farming methods

● Develop the skills to plan and implement a project that makes your school/city/world

more sustainable.

● Develop the skills to work effectively in a team to complete restoration and project work.

● Gain confidence working outdoors through activities such as waka, hiking, bushcraft (Fire

and shelter making)

Learning Areas:

Careers & Transition